Order Procedures
Mailing List Procedures Here are common policies and procedures that apply to the use of mailing lists. List usage — Lists are to be used for one time solicitation by the approved mailer unless otherwise approved by the list owner. The provided list is not to be used to enhance or add information to another file or database. Pricing/payment — The price of a list is set by the list owner. It includes the base price, selects, processing charges and shipping charges. The mailer pays the same amount for a list whether the mailer orders directly from the owner or uses the services of a broker. The brokerage fee is paid by the list owner. First time mailers will usually be required by the list owner to send payment with order. Repeat mailers may be allowed to pay after a set period such as 30 days after mail date or may be asked to sign a guarantee of payment. Minimum orders — The majority of list owners set a minimum quantity of names which may be ordered from their list. On a large file this may be 5,000 or 10,000 names. Otherwise, there will be a minimum payment amount. Processing time — Customarily, the time needed to process and ship a list order is a minimum of 5 working days or less depending on the ordering criteria. Quicker turn arounds may require the payment of a rush fee. Sample mailing piece — List owners may request that the mailer send a sample mail piece, which includes all components of a mailing, prior to giving final approval for list usage. For first time mailers this is usually sent with the request for usage. For repeat mailers samples are often included with the purchase order. Approved solicitation method — Approval for list usage includes how individuals are to be contacted. If the method of solicitation was for a postal mailing other methods such as phone or email contacts may not be used. Protected mail date — For certain lists, a particular window of time will be given for solicitation. This could be within a day, week or more and is determined by the list owner. List exchange — In certain cases, rather than renting names to a mailer, a swap (exchange) of names is agreed upon between the list owner and the mailer who also owns a mailing list. Reciprocal usage — List owners may restrict usage of their list to those who have their own list to exchange or rent. A few list owners further require the list mailer to match usage in price of list, quantity used and frequency of mailing. Cancellation penalty — Canceled list usage by the mailer results in a loss of income to the list owner. This loss ranges from the costs of processing and shipping an order to loss of rental income -- from other users -- due to protected mail dates. Reflecting this loss, the penalty for canceled mailing of a list usually ranges from incurred charges to full list rental payment.